Can a house on Mars be sold that doesn’t exist yet already? It can! Namely, if you put 500,000 US dollars in the form of a Bitcoin currency on the table or virtual bank account. That’s what happened with a work by Toronto-based artist Krista Kim. She designed a virtual house last year that has now found a fan for the said sum.
The house and all its gem-like furniture are made of translucent tempered glass. The underside of the massive house roof contains MicroLEDs that provide an impressive colour spectacle and create any atmosphere the owner wants. If the new owner wanted, he could transform his property into reality by sending the 3D data to a creative glass manufacturer for processing.
Known for „Meditative Design,“ the artist teamed up with guitarist Jeff Schroeder (The Smashing Pumpkins) to deliver a prog-rock inspired and appropriately space-saving soundtrack.
Ziel war es, einen virtuellen Raum zu schaffen, der einerseits in der Lage ist, so etwas wie ein kulturelles Event mit entsprechendem Publikum zu beherbergen und damit mehrere Individuen einzuladen, andererseits aber auch genug Ablenkung bietet, um sich zu verlaufen oder als einsamer Spaziergänger die Umgebung individuell zu erkunden. architekturdesigner.XR war dabei!
The aim was to create a virtual space – on the one side capable of hosting something like a cultural event with respective audiences and thereby inviting multiple individuals to join, as well as offering enough distraction to get lost or individually start exploring the environment as a lonely stroller. architekturdesigner.XR was there!
Celebrating is man’s favourite pastime, because the MCBW, which took place for the eighth time, began with a party based on the motto ‚Less business, more amore‘. The Creative Night, generously designed by MUCBOOK, was the starting signal for the 9-day Designwalk with over 200 events. We were particularly impressed by the performances of the ‚animago award‘ and the contributions of the design cinema, especially those to the Bauhaus anniversary. In addition, we sprinted through numerous events such as the design talk „Progressive Luxury meets Creative Excellence“ with the designer Patricia Urquiola and the chief designer of the BMW Group, Adrian van Hooydonk or visited the design agency User Interface Design, where we created our own small robot with artificial intelligence. It was a very run-intensive event because we had to take up as much as possible of the four main topics creation and innovation, icons of design, German premieres and a look into the future.
Das zwischen 1925 und 1929 errichtete Grassimuseum für Angewandte Kunst in Leipzig ist mit seinen drei eigenständigen Museen, seinen begrünten Innenhöfen und dem parkähnlichen Johannisfriedhof das zweitälteste Kunstgewerbemuseum Deutschlands; seine Sammlungen gehören zu den Bedeutendsten Europas.
Den Abschluss des Rundganges bildet die „Sinneslandschaften“ Interaktive 360° Rauminstallation. Mit dem Körper kann man in diesem Raum Farben, Lichter, Formen, Bewegungsmuster und Klänge selbst gestalten.
Built between 1925 and 1929, the Grassimuseum für Angewandte Kunst in Leipzig, with its three independent museums, its green courtyards and the park-like Johannisfriedhof cemetery, is the second oldest arts and crafts museum in Germany; its collections are among the most important in Europe. The tour concludes with the „Sense Scape“ – Interactive 360° room installation
With the body, you can create colours, lights, forms, movement patterns and sounds yourself in this room.